Sunday, May 2, 2010


I have finished The Joy Luck Club and haven't really started anything new yet. I enjoyed the rest of the book and researching to answer the questions.
Yesterday, I had to google some information on MRSA because a friend of mine is in the hospital with it. When I researching I just happened to also be thinking about school (I know, you can't imagine) and it made me realize just how many different types of literature there are. We are truly not appreciative of all the types. Everything we read is literature. It is amazing how much we don't realize there is so many types of literature.
Favorite for today: Learning lessons in the most unintentional ways.


  1. It does seem as though we do learn more when we are least expecting it. I know for the past two semesters my eyes have been opened and seen more literature than they ever have before! Definitely American Literature has broadened my horizons with different eras and authors. I thoroughly enjoyed reading the "Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" by Mark Twain. There are many valuable lessons and strengths we can learn from reading this story. The adventures in literature never stop they just keep rollin' on every day! =)

  2. I have to say that my favorite is still Colonial New England-Victorian era. I am most comfortable with this type of literature, though, I do partake in other forms. I think the reason for this appeal is do to the station of women and my association with the feminine, as I have religions standands that I keep. Women in modern times appear bold to me and it is difficult to associate as it appears out of place or strange in its setting. Things that appear everyday are forbidden in certain cultures and it augments aspects that should not be augmented at least in the authors presentation of it and distorts the view of the message. I have finished my last exam for the semester and await my grade. I pray that all is well with you and studies turn out well.

  3. There are so many different types of literature that are so appealing. Agatha Christie, Jane Austin, Emilie Dickenson, Charlotte Bronte and so many more. I have always loved to hear of famous women. They have detailed the lives of women in history. One may see the way women's lives have evolved through the centuries and it truly is quite amazing. Times have, indeed, changed. Thoughts have changed and the recording thereof as well. Each generation has new beginnings, much as in The Joy Luck Club. There is always so much to see and so little time.

  4. There are so many different types of literature that are so appealing. Agatha Christie, Jane Austin, Emilie Dickenson, Charlotte Bronte and so many more. I have always loved to hear of famous women. They have detailed the lives of women in history. One may see the way women's lives have evolved through the centuries and it truly is quite amazing. Times have, indeed, changed. Thoughts have changed and the recording thereof as well. Each generation has new beginnings, much as in The Joy Luck Club. There is always so much to see and so little time.

    May 5, 2010 4:13 PM
    Word verification

  5. There are so many different types of literature that are so appealing. Agatha Christie, Jane Austin, Emilie Dickenson, Charlotte Bronte and so many more. I have always loved to hear of famous women. They have detailed the lives of women in history. One may see the way women's lives have evolved through the centuries and it truly is quite amazing. Times have, indeed, changed. Thoughts have changed and the recording thereof as well. Each generation has new beginnings, much as in The Joy Luck Club. There is always so much to see and so little time.
